The Guide™


The Guides are training up their teams and preparing to release control over to their leadership team so that they can focus on the bigger vision/direction of the company.

  • Issues & Indicators of the Guide:
    • Feeling like you train people, then they leave.
    • “It’s hard to find good people”
    • “I am not sure if I can let go fully, it’s my baby”.
    • Feeling bored.
    • “Who am I now?”
    • “What’s next for me?”
    • Your brand can become you.
  • Common Emotions Felt By The Guide:
    • Proud.
    • Trust.
    • Lost.
  • Questions They Need To Ask Themselves:
    • How do I build a capable leadership team?
    • How do I build a scalable brand that's not tied to me?
    • How do I make this an asset?
    • How do I reward my team?
    • What's next for me? Do I want to build something else? Or Do I want to lead this organization only?
    • Where can I put my money?
  • Solutions:
    • Lead and Inspire.
    • Team/People Focused.
    • The shift from details to inspiration.
    • Breakthrough to $9M business income.
  • Benefits:
    • You have an asset that works without you.
    • You get to watch others grow and be the guide for them.
    • You have freedom and do what you love.
    • Loads of abundance for you and your team.
    • Everyone’s safe and secure.