The Creator


The Creator is the very first step in the Fasttrack journey. They want more and may have an idea but haven’t stepped out and turned it into more than just an idea… yet. They have no plans in place but love what they’re picturing in their head.

  • Issues & Indicators of the Creator:
    • “It will be better when I get there”.
    • “I’m not happy with my current situation”.
    • “I feel like I go one step forward & two steps back”.
    • “I can’t keep results”.
    • Reactionary to the outside world
  • Common Emotions Felt By The Creator:
    • Pissed Off.
    • Frustrated.
    • Angry.
    • Sad.
    • Powerless.
  • Questions They Need To Ask Themselves:
    • What’s my true end results?
    • How do I want my life to be?
    • Where does my business fit in this?
    • Where am I at right now in relation to my end results?
    • What’s in my way? Or What would someone have to believe to stay stuck here?
  • The Solutions To Their Emotions :
    • Self-Awareness.
    • End Results and Structure.
    • Education Focused.
    • Shift From Unhappy to Happy.
  • Benefits:
    • Taking your power back to you.
    • Being the creator of your own life.
    • Working with mother nature, rather than against her.
    • Wake up each day feeling awesome.
    • Can move the needle every day without getting in your own way.